How are you? How is your health? (Not only your physical health, but also your mental and emotional health.)
Are you developing or enjoying some good habits at the moment?
Are there also some habits that you know aren’t good for your wellbeing, but you can’t seem to shake off?
I remember when I first became aware of the patterns that were really making my life miserable (like thought patterns, behavior patterns, emotional reactions that seemed to take over my ability to think clearly, negative self-talk, etc)…
I didn’t know how I’d ever stop those patterns from repeating – they seemed to be deeply ingrained into my mind and body. Yet, I knew I was desperate for a change.
So, a little over a decade ago, I began my studies of ‘making a change within.’ I took many courses, read books, learned from the wise – scientists and saints, teachers and spiritual guides, coaches and therapists.
I produced a TV show and explored this topic with people of different backgrounds. I implemented what I learned, practiced and practiced, and replaced many of my patterns and habits with new, healthy ones.
How are you? How is your health? (Not only your physical health, but also your mental and emotional health.)
Are you developing or enjoying some good habits at the moment?
Are there also some habits that you know aren’t good for your wellbeing, but you can’t seem to shake off?
I remember when I first became aware of the patterns that were really making my life miserable (like thought patterns, behavior patterns, emotional reactions that seemed to take over my ability to think clearly, negative self-talk, etc)…
I didn’t know how I’d ever stop those patterns from repeating – they seemed to be deeply ingrained into my mind and body. Yet, I knew I was desperate for a change.
So, a little over a decade ago, I began my studies of ‘making a change within.’ I took many courses, read books, learned from the wise – scientists and saints, teachers and spiritual guides, coaches and therapists.
I produced a TV show and explored this topic with people of different backgrounds. I implemented what I learned, practiced and practiced, and replaced many of my patterns and habits with new, healthy ones.

Over time, I created a simple 5-step framework to follow when I wanted to change a pattern or to replace an unhealthy habit with a healthy one.
- Connect: Become present and aware of the patterns, observe them and gather information related to them. Connect with your true-self and your support system (trusted friend, a coach, God, etc).
- Make an External Shift: Make a change in your environment (eg. wearing a special bracelet, placing a potted plant on your desk). This will signal to your brain that you are committed to transformation.
- Make an Internal Shift (or a mindset shift): This is where most people need a bit of support – rewiring your brain is like learning a new language. This can involve examining your limiting beliefs, looking at what stories you are telling yourself and how they serve you, and rediscovering your purpose.
- Commit and Practice: Yep, just like what it sounds. Nothing changes unless we do the work. Research shows that it takes at least 21 days for a new habit to stick.
- Give Forward: You’ve probably heard Tagore’s quote “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” It’s 100% true. When we take the change we made within ourselves and we integrate it with how we show up in the world, we connect with our true self and with the Divine.
(You can also download the complete framework and guide here!)
When we do the work, we experience more calm, peace, balance, fulfillment, joy, and grace. I know I have, even through all the hard and challenging times.
I couldn’t have done this work without several life-coaches. Some people can. I couldn’t.
Over time, I created a simple 5-step framework to follow when I wanted to change a pattern or to replace an unhealthy habit with a healthy one.
- Connect: Become present and aware of the patterns, observe them and gather information related to them. Connect with your true-self and your support system (trusted friend, a coach, God, etc).
- Make an External Shift: Make a change in your environment (eg. wearing a special bracelet, placing a potted plant on your desk). This will signal to your brain that you are committed to transformation.
- Make an Internal Shift (or a mindset shift): This is where most people need a bit of support – rewiring your brain is like learning a new language. This can involve examining your limiting beliefs, looking at what stories you are telling yourself and how they serve you, and rediscovering your purpose.
- Commit and Practice: Yep, just like what it sounds. Nothing changes unless we do the work. Research shows that it takes at least 21 days for a new habit to stick.
- Give Forward: You’ve probably heard Tagore’s quote “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” It’s 100% true. When we take the change we made within ourselves and we integrate it with how we show up in the world, we connect with our true self and with the Divine.
(You can also download the complete framework and guide here!)
When we do the work, we experience more calm, peace, balance, fulfillment, joy, and grace. I know I have, even through all the hard and challenging times.
I couldn’t have done this work without several life-coaches. Some people can. I couldn’t.

If you are in a place where you know you can use support, reach out to me.
** Maybe you’re trying to lose weight and have tried everything but nothing seems to work. You might need the support of a holistic life coach.
** Maybe you’re constantly getting triggered by certain people, and despite your prayer and strong faith, you end up feeling angry, frustrated, or fearful. If this feeling lingers over everything you do and steals the joy out of your days, working with a life coach can help you identify the triggers and change those emotional reactions.
** Maybe you get into arguments with people you love and wish you could change that. A life coach can help 🙂
** Maybe you keep getting stuck in grief, sadness, and suffering seems to be your ‘lot’. A certified life coach can help you process accumulated emotions and support you in releasing them (into the loving hands of God).
I know we often have all the intentions to do better, to eat better, to stick to healthy habits… And then we get off track, feel discouraged, berate ourselves and lose motivation (only causing more damage to our confidence).
We all go through this. And the sooner we break these patterns, the sooner we can begin to enjoy our lives more, as well as bring more joy and healing into the world.
Now, I’d love to help. If any of this resonates (even 10%), let’s schedule a consult call and talk. I’ll answer all of your questions and concerns 🙂
Stay well, keep expanding in love, and don’t be afraid to dig deep.
If you are in a place where you know you can use support, reach out to me.
** Maybe you’re trying to lose weight and have tried everything but nothing seems to work. You might need the support of a holistic life coach.
** Maybe you’re constantly getting triggered by certain people, and despite your prayer and strong faith, you end up feeling angry, frustrated, or fearful. If this feeling lingers over everything you do and steals the joy out of your days, working with a life coach can help you identify the triggers and change those emotional reactions.
** Maybe you get into arguments with people you love and wish you could change that. A life coach can help 🙂
** Maybe you keep getting stuck in grief, sadness, and suffering seems to be your ‘lot’. A certified life coach can help you process accumulated emotions and support you in releasing them (into the loving hands of God).
I know we often have all the intentions to do better, to eat better, to stick to healthy habits… And then we get off track, feel discouraged, berate ourselves and lose motivation (only causing more damage to our confidence).
We all go through this. And the sooner we break these patterns, the sooner we can begin to enjoy our lives more, as well as bring more joy and healing into the world.
Now, I’d love to help. If any of this resonates (even 10%), let’s schedule a consult call and talk. I’ll answer all of your questions and concerns 🙂
Stay well, keep expanding in love, and don’t be afraid to dig deep.
This is the time of year when I love pulling up this song:
You Must Believe In Spring by Michel Legrand
This is the time of year when I love pulling up this song:
You Must Believe In Spring by Michel Legrand
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