Growing up, whenever Spring came and I didn’t feel well, my mom would say it was because of the change of season. She still does.
I looked it up. It’s true. “The temperature shifts permit a different group of viruses to flourish (like those causing colds and flu),” says Google, in addition to our weakened immunity due to allergies and other factors.
Other factors such as food and exercise. And our overall (winter) mood also affects our immune system.
My mom has a lot of these pieces of ‘ancient wisdom’ that were passed down and that science can now explain so beautifully.
She would have us load up on onions, garlic, fermented cabbage (sauerkraut), as well as oranges when we were lucky to get them. These days, we load up on vitamins and supplements – and vegetables and fruits that are conveniently available out of their season.
We can benefit from any and all of this, but only if we are mindful of what we need and when we need it to keep healthy.
Our bodies give us plenty of clues.
The question is, how mindful and aware are we these days?
Growing up, whenever Spring came and I didn’t feel well, my mom would say it was because of the change of season. She still does.
I looked it up. It’s true. “The temperature shifts permit a different group of viruses to flourish (like those causing colds and flu),” says Google, in addition to our weakened immunity due to allergies and other factors.
Other factors such as food and exercise. And our overall (winter) mood also affects our immune system.
My mom has a lot of these pieces of ‘ancient wisdom’ that were passed down and that science can now explain so beautifully.
She would have us load up on onions, garlic, fermented cabbage (sauerkraut), as well as oranges when we were lucky to get them. These days, we load up on vitamins and supplements – and vegetables and fruits that are conveniently available out of their season.
We can benefit from any and all of this, but only if we are mindful of what we need and when we need it to keep healthy.
Our bodies give us plenty of clues.
The question is, how mindful and aware are we these days?

Do we take time to observe? Do we pay attention to the gentle pains and aches, the tension in our muscles, or the tightness in our shoulders, and pause to see what’s happening with us?
Or do we wake up one day and say, “How is it March 15th already?” having missed the opportunity to prepare for spring.
This past week, I had a wonderful mindfulness-teaching moment with my son, Blais. He had six tests in one day and, understandably, he was quite anxious about how he would do. The tension and stress around it was upsetting his stomach making him feel terrible – only making it harder to take those tests.
I gave him Tums and mints and I taught him a quick breathing technique to use when he feels overwhelmed. He felt well-equipped, but he also remembered one other thing that would help: he asked me to pack him lunch with ‘those little notes you used to put in my lunch box when I was little.’
As I prepared this healing package, I knew it wasn’t the food he was asking for. It was care, comfort, acceptance, and love. He had the awareness to know what he needed. AND he didn’t see it as a weakness.
He did great on his tests and immediately felt better.
Later that day we talked about life’s stresses and how there will always be some. We can’t avoid it or control it. But what we can do is prepare and have tools to help us handle it.
Just like strengthening our immune system long before the first daffodils bloom.
I told Blais that he could go through life with bottles of Tums. Or he could learn other ways to recognize and manage stress while his stomach is still young and healthy.
What are the ‘tools’ we can use? What do they look like?
Taking deep breaths when we get anxious or worried.
Finding that centered place in which we know we are loved, supported, and taken care of, no matter what.
Keeping in mind that life is not about grades, or successes, or deadlines – while creating more well-being. 🙂
I hope this inspires you to pause and look at the clues your body, mind, and heart are giving you.
And if you need some extra tips and support in creating more well-being, I’d be happy to be your coach 🙂
Do we take time to observe? Do we pay attention to the gentle pains and aches, the tension in our muscles, or the tightness in our shoulders, and pause to see what’s happening with us?
Or do we wake up one day and say, “How is it March 15th already?” having missed the opportunity to prepare for spring.
This past week, I had a wonderful mindfulness-teaching moment with my son, Blais. He had six tests in one day and, understandably, he was quite anxious about how he would do. The tension and stress around it was upsetting his stomach making him feel terrible – only making it harder to take those tests.
I gave him Tums and mints and I taught him a quick breathing technique to use when he feels overwhelmed. He felt well-equipped, but he also remembered one other thing that would help: he asked me to pack him lunch with ‘those little notes you used to put in my lunch box when I was little.’
As I prepared this healing package, I knew it wasn’t the food he was asking for. It was care, comfort, acceptance, and love. He had the awareness to know what he needed. AND he didn’t see it as a weakness.
He did great on his tests and immediately felt better.
Later that day we talked about life’s stresses and how there will always be some. We can’t avoid it or control it. But what we can do is prepare and have tools to help us handle it.
Just like strengthening our immune system long before the first daffodils bloom.
I told Blais that he could go through life with bottles of Tums. Or he could learn other ways to recognize and manage stress while his stomach is still young and healthy.
What are the ‘tools’ we can use? What do they look like?
Taking deep breaths when we get anxious or worried.
Finding that centered place in which we know we are loved, supported, and taken care of, no matter what.
Keeping in mind that life is not about grades, or successes, or deadlines – while creating more well-being. 🙂
I hope this inspires you to pause and look at the clues your body, mind, and heart are giving you.
And if you need some extra tips and support in creating more well-being, I’d be happy to be your coach 🙂
Here is a short sample of our Soul Friday live streams. Use music to unwind, meditate, reflect and just pause to give your mind a break 🙂
Here is a short sample of our Soul Friday live streams. Use music to unwind, meditate, reflect and just pause to give your mind a break 🙂
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