How was your Easter?
For me, this was the first Easter that two of my kids weren’t home.
Yes, I miss them. Yes, I feel sad when I think of how fast the years have passed and that they aren’t little boys anymore (when my oldest was a baby, someone told me ‘days feel long, but years go by fast.’ So true, isn’t it?).
I let myself feel it but I don’t hold onto it. I don’t want to be stuck grieving what I don’t have anymore.
Life is ever-changing and ever-transforming. There is no use in planting your feet into the ground and resisting change and the transformation that comes with it. There’s no use in feeling grumpy because those around us change, grow up, and follow their own paths.
Memories are beautiful, but they shouldn’t feel like shackles around our ankles. Instead, we can make them into a mountain of treasure that lifts us up and opens our view to see farther and wider.
Knowing this, I chose to focus on the fact that my oldest will make our traditional Easter brunch at this college apartment and have my middle son over. It brings me so much joy to know that they will be together, feeling supported by my love. I’m excited and deeply grateful. And ready to celebrate Easter 🙂
(Isn’t it amazing how a family recipe can make us feel connected? And the whole thing about gathering around a table, breaking bread, giving thanks, and sharing a meal nourishes a lot more than our bodies. What a blessing…)
I hope your Easter is blessed and abundant with Love.
How was your Easter?
For me, this was the first Easter that two of my kids weren’t home.
Yes, I miss them. Yes, I feel sad when I think of how fast the years have passed and that they aren’t little boys anymore (when my oldest was a baby, someone told me ‘days feel long, but years go by fast.’ So true, isn’t it?).
I let myself feel it but I don’t hold onto it. I don’t want to be stuck grieving what I don’t have anymore.
Life is ever-changing and ever-transforming. There is no use in planting your feet into the ground and resisting change and the transformation that comes with it. There’s no use in feeling grumpy because those around us change, grow up, and follow their own paths.
Memories are beautiful, but they shouldn’t feel like shackles around our ankles. Instead, we can make them into a mountain of treasure that lifts us up and opens our view to see farther and wider.
Knowing this, I chose to focus on the fact that my oldest will make our traditional Easter brunch at this college apartment and have my middle son over. It brings me so much joy to know that they will be together, feeling supported by my love. I’m excited and deeply grateful. And ready to celebrate Easter 🙂
(Isn’t it amazing how a family recipe can make us feel connected? And the whole thing about gathering around a table, breaking bread, giving thanks, and sharing a meal nourishes a lot more than our bodies. What a blessing…)
I hope your Easter is blessed and abundant with Love.

Here is a bit of inspiration:
An Easter Reflection
Reawakens every part of my being
The mystery of Love
Like crisp morning air
It fills my lungs as I breathe in
Renewing my cells with new life
Restoring my soul with hope and joy
Words are clunky
And square
And too black and white
On the screen
Failing to express
The awe
Of the Easter morning
Reflected in my heart
Remnants of grief
as heavy as a moonless night.
Tears as big as fat drops of rain
Come unexpected,
Constricting my chest
Making me want to hide
Until it’s over
Pain like rain is
To wake up the seeds
Restoring the life within
Returning everything good and bright to me.
Compassion, forgiveness, grace, and mercy
Bloom as the dawn gets bright
I give thanks
It’s Easter.
It’s here.
Here is a bit of inspiration:
An Easter Reflection
Reawakens every part of my being
The mystery of Love
Like crisp morning air
It fills my lungs as I breathe in
Renewing my cells with new life
Restoring my soul with hope and joy
Words are clunky
And square
And too black and white
On the screen
Failing to express
The awe
Of the Easter morning
Reflected in my heart
Remnants of grief
as heavy as a moonless night.
Tears as big as fat drops of rain
Come unexpected,
Constricting my chest
Making me want to hide
Until it’s over
Pain like rain is
To wake up the seeds
Restoring the life within
Returning everything good and bright to me.
Compassion, forgiveness, grace, and mercy
Bloom as the dawn gets bright
I give thanks
It’s Easter.
It’s here.
When the pandemic is over, we’ll sing like this:
When the pandemic is over, we’ll sing like this:
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