Recently, I heard this story:
Billy and Bobby are camping in the mountains. They lay awake in the middle of the night.
Billy asks: “Bobby, what are you thinking about?”
Bobby says: “I’m looking at the stars and thinking how vast the universe is, how many stars, universes, and galaxies there are. And I’m thinking about how insignificant I feel on this little planet, and also how special that I get to be here. And I’m thinking it’s going to be a beautiful day tomorrow because the night is so clear. And also, by looking at the moon and the stars, I can tell that it’s about 3:30 am. Why do you ask? What are you thinking about?”
Billy says: “I’m thinking that someone stole our tent.”
What comes up for you when you read this?
Reflect for a moment.
As beautiful as it is to see the big picture, to connect with the vastness of everything around us, to allow your spirit to soar with wonder and awe, we can sometimes fail to notice what is immediately happening to us.
It could be a matter of concerning ourselves with plans for the future and failing to notice the beauty of the moment we are in right now. Or it could be that we’re worried about tomorrow and missing out on all the blessings of today.
It could also be failing to be present in mind, spirit, AND body. Or body, mind, AND spirit.
For me, this story is about awareness, about observing what in our lives might be out of balance, and making adjustments to create more balance.
Recently, I heard this story:
Billy and Bobby are camping in the mountains. They lay awake in the middle of the night.
Billy asks: “Bobby, what are you thinking about?”
Bobby says: “I’m looking at the stars and thinking how vast the universe is, how many stars, universes, and galaxies there are. And I’m thinking about how insignificant I feel on this little planet, and also how special that I get to be here. And I’m thinking it’s going to be a beautiful day tomorrow because the night is so clear. And also, by looking at the moon and the stars, I can tell that it’s about 3:30 am. Why do you ask? What are you thinking about?”
Billy says: “I’m thinking that someone stole our tent.”
What comes up for you when you read this?
Reflect for a moment. As beautiful as it is to see the big picture, to connect with the vastness of everything around us, to allow your spirit to soar with wonder and awe, we can sometimes fail to notice what is immediately happening to us.
It could be a matter of concerning ourselves with plans for the future and failing to notice the beauty of the moment we are in right now. Or it could be that we’re worried about tomorrow and missing out on all the blessings of today.
It could also be failing to be present in mind, spirit, AND body. Or body, mind, AND spirit.
For me, this story is about awareness, about observing what in our lives might be out of balance, and making adjustments to create more balance.

When we live mostly in our mind and spirit, we can get disconnected from our body and miss the signals that we need better nourishment, more rest, exercise, grounding, or even healing.
How can you bring more balance into your body?
When we put too much attention on our bodies and not enough on our soul, we get too caught up in appearances.
What are some of the ways that you live from your soul-self?
When our minds are over-engaged (when we study, write, or think a lot) or we intellectualize everything, we can easily miss the subtle beauty, the wonder, and awe behind our experience as spiritual beings.
How do you get out of your head and more into your body/soul? And how is your overall mind, body, and spirit balance?
I do better in the summers. I love the heat, so I am able to be more physically active, work in my garden (which grounds me), and eat more fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits. And because it’s summer, I rest more and I sleep better.
This physical activity balances out my mind and spirit (I tend to sit and create – which is more mind/spirit than body LOL)
Have a balanced week 🙂
And look up at the summer sky. It’s awesome!
When we live mostly in our mind and spirit, we can get disconnected from our body and miss the signals that we need better nourishment, more rest, exercise, grounding, or even healing.
How can you bring more balance into your body?
When we put too much attention on our bodies and not enough on our soul, we get too caught up in appearances.
What are some of the ways that you live from your soul-self?
When our minds are over-engaged (when we study, write, or think a lot) or we intellectualize everything, we can easily miss the subtle beauty, the wonder, and awe behind our experience as spiritual beings.
How do you get out of your head and more into your body/soul? And how is your overall mind, body, and spirit balance?
I do better in the summers. I love the heat, so I am able to be more physically active, work in my garden (which grounds me), and eat more fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits. And because it’s summer, I rest more and I sleep better.
This physical activity balances out my mind and spirit (I tend to sit and create – which is more mind/spirit than body LOL)
Have a balanced week 🙂
And look up at the summer sky. It’s awesome!
Here is one of the songs from my pop career. It was fun working on the music video for it… I still remember it as if it was last week 🙂
Here is one of the songs from my pop career. It was fun working on the music video for it… I still remember it as if it was last week 🙂
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AND live your dream life.
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