Nothing Can Make Love Go Away

Nothing Can Make Love Go Away

This week, I’m going to let myself write about love – free-flowing and without trying to make a point. I hope you enjoy it! (Or skip it and check out the song below and the amazing Love story it carries)… ️ “When you begin to touch your heart or let your...
How to Create an Aligned Movement Routine

How to Create an Aligned Movement Routine

Last week, I wrote about how staying engaged helps us feel motivated. When it comes to getting things done – starting new projects, breaking down huge goals and accomplishing one step at a time, working on this and that, writing books, music, gardening, cooking...
Do the Work and Trust

Do the Work and Trust

Well, I was going to write a different blog post, when something amazing happened: Olivia Newton-John and her daughter Chloe Lattanzi released a song, “Window in the Wall”, which I co-wrote with Tom Paden and Eddie Kilgallon. I knew it was coming (and I had to keep it...
The Relationship Between Time and Reward

The Relationship Between Time and Reward

“It’s a strange relationship between time and reward.” This is what Boris Herrmann (who just completed Vandee Global 2020 – the around the world sailing race) said at the finish line: “[The race] has taught me a lot about patience and...
Do the Work and Trust

Do the Work and Trust

Well, I was going to write a different email today, but then something amazing happened yesterday: Olivia Newton-John and her daughter Chloe Lattanzi released a song, “Window in the Wall”, which I co-wrote with two other songwriters. I knew it was coming (and I had to...

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