The Gaps Between Your Thoughts

The Gaps Between Your Thoughts

We all have the ability to make choices.  We choose what ice cream flavor we’d like to get at the ice cream parlor. We can choose to sleep late or wake up early on our day off. Although we can’t choose weather conditions, we do have a choice to greet the rain with...
Allow Yourself to Feel Your Feelings

Allow Yourself to Feel Your Feelings

Happy last week of May! (Can you believe it’s almost summer?) The other day was my son Blais’ last day of sophomore year. Normally, his friend takes him to school, but this week I asked him to let me drive him instead. In the fall, he will be driving himself and no...
Deepen Your Connections and Expand Your Circles

Deepen Your Connections and Expand Your Circles

Recently we were preparing for a live stream with a full band.  My house was full of audio and lighting equipment. The lovely armchairs in my piano room were replaced by camera stands. A friend drove from West Virginia to help us run it, David purchased a special...
Motherhood Is a Gift and An Honor

Motherhood Is a Gift and An Honor

I always text my kids before I take off on a plane with a quick “I love you.” I wait until they send me heart or kiss emojis or an “I love you too,” and then I put my phone into airplane mode.  And no matter how much I tell myself that all will be well, my...
You Have Access to Divine Flow

You Have Access to Divine Flow

Writing a post each week has grown into a beautiful practice of noticing what I learned in the previous week, acknowledging little miracles that happened, and reviewing how I dealt with new challenges.  Each Friday, I spend a few hours reflecting on the beauty of...

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