How We Can Show Ourselves More Love

How We Can Show Ourselves More Love

It’s usually on birthdays and holidays that we are reminded just how much we are loved – whether it comes from that one person who gives us just the words we need to hear, or many who send us a ‘happy birthday’ line or a funny GIF.  I experienced a beautiful...
Choose To Connect Through Kindness

Choose To Connect Through Kindness

Stressors and challenges in life come in many forms. As I write this, I’ve been dealing with a broken fridge for a few weeks now.  Finally a tech showed up but only to diagnose the problem. He said that the part I needed (a new compressor) would arrive a few...
What Are You Grateful For?

What Are You Grateful For?

Recently, Blais and I were picking up canoes from a friend. Luna was sitting in the back looking at the cows and deer we passed as we drove down the beautiful country lane. The air was warm and the sky was flushed with pink and purple colors.  “We are very lucky to...
It All Starts With Awareness

It All Starts With Awareness

I was recently doing a presentation on Emotional Freedom to a group of life coaches in training. I explained seven biological emotional responses, conscious communication, and emotional clearing.  Everyone was very engaged and interested because, well, we all desire...
Are You Ready to Renew Yourself?

Are You Ready to Renew Yourself?

I was driving home from a meeting in Nashville (ah those glorious in-person meetings when you are wearing a nice shirt AND dress pants and shoes, and you bring a purse and meet at a coffee shop, and the person you are talking to doesn’t freeze in the middle of a...

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