“Slow down to speed up,” the narrator’s voice said. It was a week before Christmas and I was walking Luna through my neighborhood while listening to an audiobook Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara.

The decision to take off from work for the remainder of the year, and until the second week of January, left me with a sense of unease. Even on vacations, I’d still write my weekly newsletter and this time I wanted to drop all activities with a deadline. With my sons back home, I craved the simple joys of cooking for them, setting a table, and relishing in the nourishment derived not just from food but from every shared moment.

Amidst the holiday preparations, I recognized the need for rest.. 2023 was a big year. I traveled a lot, taught extensive online courses, supported my sons through life transitions, and checked off many ‘bucket list’ goals (or as I like to call them, ‘dreams come true’). The need for rest became apparent.

Hearing the words “Slow down to speed up” felt like the universe supported my decision. LOL

Creating space before plunging into another experience is essential. Just as we clean up the kitchen after a grand meal and allow time for digestion before we cook another.

Slowing down helps our hearts and souls get nourished alongside our bodies and minds

Have you ever found yourself lingering around the Christmas tree after the guests had left? Or leave the wrappings on the floor a little longer, cherishing the fleeting moments, knowing that soon those little hands that unwrapped the presents and made the mess would soon venture elsewhere. If you have, you’ll know what it feels like to create space and process before starting up again.

In the pursuit of personal growth, read, learn, and expand your mind, but also grant it the break it deserves.

Breathe. Sometimes, doing nothing is the most meaningful act.

Just be still for a bit longer.

So, here are some of my thoughts about the power behind “Slowing down to speed up.”

Journey at your own pace. In a world that constantly rushes us, pressuring us to set intentions, make resolutions for the new year, and dream up the next big thing, remember to take time. It’s your journey, you make the timetable.

Create space. By slowing down, we allow our nervous system to bring balance and equilibrium so our endeavors are not fueled by urgency but by thoughtful and sustainable choices. By taking time to reflect and rejuvinate, we gain clarity to see where we want to go next.

Slow down deliberately and become more mindful. Mindfulness enables us to savor the richness of each moment, derive deeper nourishment from our experiences, and cultivate meaningful connections.

Celebrate this moment. Find abundance in the very moment you are experiencing. Even if it’s challening. We make changes by making choices in the moments we are in. Be present in each.